Double Barrel Bottling - by passedpawn

I thought about making a manifold to hold the two bottling wands, but I already had a second spigot, so here it is. Worked exactly as I expected: twice as fast.
I thought really hard for about 5 minutes on ways to do this without 2 spigots. I thought about milling holes / channels in delrin, encasing a plastic 'Y' connector in a polyurethane block, and some other dumbnesses that aren't coming to me now.
I'm glad I took the easy route and just put the second spigot in there. It made my bottling day so much faster, and I learned that my old Williams Brewing spigot is extremely slow (or there's something wrong with that bottling wand). I can almost fill two bottles with the one on the left before the one on the right is done. So, I'd say my bottling day is now 3 times as fast.
I thought really hard for about 5 minutes on ways to do this without 2 spigots. I thought about milling holes / channels in delrin, encasing a plastic 'Y' connector in a polyurethane block, and some other dumbnesses that aren't coming to me now.
I'm glad I took the easy route and just put the second spigot in there. It made my bottling day so much faster, and I learned that my old Williams Brewing spigot is extremely slow (or there's something wrong with that bottling wand). I can almost fill two bottles with the one on the left before the one on the right is done. So, I'd say my bottling day is now 3 times as fast.