Trevor Carmick creates these beauties over at his site called Beer Labels in Motion. Drop on by and check out his other favorite craft beers done up animation-style or follow him at Twitter @beerlabelmotion to see the latest.
What do you get when you cross animated gifs with beer? Awesomeness of course!
Trevor Carmick creates these beauties over at his site called Beer Labels in Motion. Drop on by and check out his other favorite craft beers done up animation-style or follow him at Twitter @beerlabelmotion to see the latest.
Temperature controllers are becoming all the rage with brewers these days and who can blame them?? If you want great brew, then you need to control the temp of fermentation very carefully.
This isn't the first temperature control module that we've covered but it's one of the nicest! It checks the box for all the must-haves including:
Check out all of the details on kickstarter or |
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