Well, for me, it's because I want to refer to the recipes I create and it's nice to have friends call them by name.
Just like the pro brewers, we can come up with clever, pun-filled, crazy names that make us laugh and give our beer an identity.
A good place to start when naming a beer is to consider it's characteristics. From grain to hop, there are many flavor descriptors we use that can bring names to mind. What ingredients contributed to flavor, color, and smell? Adjuncts like honey, maple syrup, molasses, candy & brown sugar etc. can all help conjure that perfect name.
Often a beer's style can play a role in what name is selected as well. A crisp summer pale ale could have a name that makes us crave the perfect lawnmower brew, perhaps something that sounds earthy or hints at freshly cut grass. A heavy porter brewed for fall might be better suited with a name that signals the vanilla or caramel notes inside.
Before we list a few of ours, I though it would be fun to post some of my favorite commercial beer names.
Scoundrel has a number that are clever, here are a few of his:
Fraudulent Bastard
Magically Delicious Irish Stout
Phat & Tired Amber
Forgotten Gnarlywine
Flying With Falcons IPA
Motley Brew
Hoppy Hour
Mine are all movie-related since we kind of have a cinema drafthouse thing going on.
Raiders of the Lost Ale Planet of the Ales Drunkfellas Kung Fu Porter No Porter for Old Men Jurassic Park Amber Ale Jackie Brown Ale Silence of the Lambics Dirty Rotten Stouts The Neverending Session Chicken Lager Eternal Buzz of the Drunken Mind Lord of the Hops Alienation Men in Black IPA | Here are a few straight movie titles that I may use as well: The Hangover Strange Brew The Pursuit of Happiness The Terminator Red Dawn Kickass National Treasure |