"People often ask me why I narrowed down my subject matter so specifically to the women of the Pacific NW beer industry. My answer is that, while there’s been several documentaries made about craft beer and beer culture, none of these projects really explore the people behind the product. There are so many women in the NW who enjoy beer, but so few of them work inside the industry–and the ones who do are amazing people. I wanted to tell their stories not because they’re women, not because they’re women in a male dominated industry, but because they’re wonderfully passionate people who struggle to balance what they love to do with their personal, social, and family lives. Tonya Cornett isn’t a great brewer because she’s a woman. She’s a great brewer because she’s dedicated, driven, talented, and makes amazing beers. Sarah Pederson isn’t particularly remarkable for balancing a new family and a career. She’s remarkable because she’s created one of Portland’s premier beer bar from scratch, and she seamlessly balances her role as a new mother with her role in what many consider to be an “adult” industry. These women aren’t fighting for feminism or equality. They’re fighting for the love of beer." [Read More]